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Global Education Remix

Education at any time can be challenging but add to that the challenge of moving to another country with a different language, culture and educational system, qualification framework, values and beliefs and the number of complexities are difficult to imagine let alone navigate.

In March 2017 the United Nations estimated the world population to be 7.5 billion with a growth rate of 1.11%, an estimated average population change of 80 million per year.  Today the world’s population is estimated to be 7.9 billion.

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Are men afraid to sponsor women to succeed in the tech world?

NFTs, I kept seeing this acronym and, as an educator of many years standing, I felt it was my duty to understand this newish term in blockchain terminology. So, I watched a highly informative rap video on YouTube. It was circulated on the WhatsApp group, the Bigger Pie.

In reviewing the threads in this group time and time again, the lack of diversity and inclusion in the blockchain and technology world was discussed. The invisibility of women and the treatment of women often mentioned.

So even if women manage to break through and work in tech that is not the end of the story. This is not new – it is a recurring theme. Where are the male sponsors, allies and advocates?